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Curro De Maria

Francisco Fernández Doblas , took flamenco guitar lessons from the maestro Pedro Escalona and soon began to be required by the different Málaga singers.
His guitar has put sounds to the voices of Estrella Morente, Chano Lobato, Montse Cortés, Guadiana, Virginia Gámez, Diana Navarro, Rafael de Utrera, José de La Tomasa, El Polaco, Antonio El Pulga, El Gally, Lolita Valderrama doing it both in festivals as in theaters.
In the dance accompanied by "La Lupi", Antonio Canales, Rafael de Carmen, Marcos Flores, Juan de Juan with the show "Los sones Negros" and made various tours in the company of Rafael Amargo. He has taught flamenco guitar courses in Venezuela, Germany, France, Ukraine, Chicago, Geneva, Brussels.
He made part of the tour with Diana Navarro with the Flamenco album by said cantaora.
His guitar has been sounded by the most important international Flamenco Festivals such as Mont de Marsan, Chicago, Albuquerque, Queretaro, New York, Austria, Luxembourg, Malaga Biennial, Seville Biennial, etc.
She performs in the meeting "Three cultures for Peace" forming a group with Dorantes, Virginia Gámez, and Roby Lakatos among others.
- Recording with Antonio Fuentes de Málaga (Winner of the Mining Lamp) in the discography that complements the “Enciclopedia del Arte Flamenco”.
- Recording of a CD with the cantaora Virginia Gamez “Soñé” (Málaga)
- Recording of a CD with the singing of Manuela Laina de Almonte (Huelva).
- Recording of a CD with the cante of Pepe Vergara de Alora (Málaga).
- Recording of a CD with the cante of Rafael Sánchez (Málaga).
- Collaborations on CD with various artists of the Spanish Song.
For Canal sur television in the “Flamencos” Program as a soloist and accompanying various singers.
For the program “Mira la Vida” as a guitarist for 9 months.
It puts the soundtrack to the documentary "Free Widows" for Canal sur Televisión
He records a special Flamenco program with Diana Navarro from his album "Flamenco". Currently he continues to accompany the singers and with the flamenco company of "La Lupi"
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